Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Power of A Decision

Decision-the moment of turning your life around once and for all. It's when you say, "This is it. I'm not going to be mediocre and live a meaningless shallow existence. I'm capable of more than this," that your are truly born. We are born of our decisive actions. It is when we make that decision of choice between life and death that we are truly human.
Of course, decision alone is not everything. But it's a huge part of transformation and personal achievement. It should be backed by a massive action. Or better to say, the massive decision must be backed each and every moment of our life by small successive decisions till we achieve the change we desire. When you make these small decisions enough number of times, they become part of your nature. It is then you are able to take actions automatically, without so much thinking. Till you get there, you must persist.
I'd like to remind you that you've to remember to enjoy the ride. Success isn't a destination. It's a journey. So don't be miserable for the sake of making or keeping decisions. Life isn't for decisions but decisions are for a better quality life. The best way to do this is to go back to the basics and ask yourself: what decision brings me the results I desire the most? The answer is clear and the decision is easy to make and keep. 

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