Sunday, November 21, 2010


To be successful in life and to enjoy more of life, it's absolutely indispensable to have a set of principles as a guide. The principles need not be too many. They are only a few that we can't afford to break them. It happens that we don't live up to them. When this happens, they come to our rescue by reminding us of our priorities and set the whole course anew again. 
What does a life without principles like? It is like a plane without a pilot. Not only marked by the way it's flying, but it is also fatal to the passenger. Life without principles as a guide is like a plane without a pilot. It goes nowhere but crashes down destroying everyone and everything. It is also marked by the haphazard actions that fill it to its brim. 
Life when lived with principles is tough at the start. It is like anything worth doing. Then after much effort and labor it gets easier and becomes more enjoyable. Defeat is when you throw your principles out of the window believing it is impossible to follow them. If you persist to pass the most difficult phase of implementing them, then you will be shocked to find how easy it is to live by them. It is here that you start to reap the rich harvest they bring you. 
I believe this why Socrates said, "Unexamined life is not worth living." Formulating your principles call for a depth analysis of your personality, your strengths and weaknesses. It also helps you to take your life in your own hands so that you stop blaming other people and circumstances that are without. Your principles demand that you ACT instead of REACT to people or circumstances. They are statements of what you are going to do, rather than how you are going to REACT  to things that happen to you.
Now, take the next few minutes and write down your principles. Vow to yourself by placing your signature at the end of your principles that you will keep every one of your principles NO MATTER WHAT. The effect takes of immediately. You begin to BE the person you set out to be.

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